Saturday, September 10, 2016

Just One Wrong Move???

Just One Wrong Move????

OMG!  So many people are afraid Trump will say the wrong thing and get us into a nuclear war. 

Don’t look now, folks, but the nuclear cat is already out of the bag.  Obama and the Democrats in Congress let it out when they cleared the path for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.  The Iranian state-run and state-controlled newspaper once said that Iran would be willing to pay the price of losing half of its population in order to wipe Israel off the map.  Iran has a population of 66 million.  Half of that is 33 million, plus 6.5 million Israelis and 3.5 million Palestinians – that’s 43 million plus who knows how many Jordanians and Iraqis – the two countries in between Iraq and Israel.  Iran’s leaders have repeatedly and openly made it clear that they want to incinerate Israel with nuclear weapons, turn Israel into a scorching hell for the Zionists, and other such pleasantries.  What kind of person empowers such people?

In addition to Obama, that would be Hillary Clinton.  Both Bill and Hillary have stated that Hillary helped push the Iran agreement through Congress.  In fact, they consider it to be an accomplishment of hers and are quite proud of it.  If the Iran agreement is not the mother of wrong moves, I don’t know what is.  But don’t worry folks, if Iran succeeds in doing what it says it wants to do, you won’t have to worry about global warming.  We’ll be dealing with nuclear winter.

Russia is not the biggest threat to America today, Iran is. 

The agenda of the elites is to eliminate Israel entirely and eliminate America as an independent entity.  Iran is their tool.  Once again, the progressives line up with the elites.  Give it up, progressives.  You are so not the counter-culture.  The real revolutionaries in America are the Tea Partiers who want to take power back from an over-reaching, oppressive and corrupt government and give power back to the taxpaying people who make everything happen for everyone else.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

How Progressives Constantly Support the Agenda of the Elites

How Progressives Constantly Support the Agenda of the Elites 

Once there was a governor of an oil producing state who took the oil revenues from the oil companies and gave them, not to the government, but directly to each and every taxpayer of the state who receive checks from the oil revenue royalties and taxes.  That governor also cancelled income and sales taxes.  That governor jailed corrupt Republican establishment leaders for practicing crony capitalism, i.e., influence peddling.  That governor was Sarah Palin. 

The Republican establishment hated and vilified her, as did the media lapdogs of the elites.  But guess what, the progressives lined up exactly with the Republican establishment and the uber controlled media.  No one trashed her more loudly than the progressives.

Can anyone name me one elected official who has done anything even as remotely progressive in turning the profits of big business over to we, the people???  I don’t think so.  It was and is tea party candidates who do that.

That’s the difference between progressives and the tea party.  Progressives take tax money and give it to the government, which means crony capitalism – the ruling party gives taxpayer monies to their contributors, but they bankrupt the rest of us.  Yes, folks, $19 trillion in national debt is bankrupting us.  (More in a later blog.)  The progressives have been blathering for decades to end corporate welfare and they have completely failed.  But the tea party has succeeded in places where it has been elected, and it will l continue to succeed wherever it is elected.

Who is it that the Republican establishment, the media lapdogs and the progressives are all lined up against today?  Why, that would be Donald Trump.  The Democratic and Republican establishments know full well that Donald would slash all their crony capitalism projects big time in order to restore some semblance of sanity to the budget.  They are trembling at the loss of billions of dollars not going to their friends, family (think Nancy Pelosi’s contractor husband), and political supporters.  The queen of crony capitalism is, of course, Hillary Clinton.  And the progressives, at Bernie Sanders request, are supporting her. 

Whose tools are the “progressives” really?

Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm a Woman and I Support Trump

I’m a Woman and I Support Trump.  Here’s why:

Yes, he’s sexist, but that’s not important to me.  He’s an alpha man, all alpha men choose alpha women, so what?  What does matter to me is that I be kept safe from criminal illegal aliens like the rapist, oh did I say rapist, I meant gang rapist Muslims of Cologne, Germany, or the criminal alien murderers (that’s plural, folks) that have crossed our border illegally.  We may not be able to stop native rapists or murderers, but we sure can do a lot more to stop illegals from coming here to commit crimes, and I want them stopped at the border.

To me, there are three prototypes of men:  1) the abuser/ rapist/ murderer, 2) the cowardly collaborator, and 3) the protector who actually steps in to defend and protect those more vulnerable than himself.  To me, Trump is the protector prototype who will keep me a whole lot safer from criminal illegal aliens than the open-border Democrats.  That protection is much more important to me than whether or not Trump has insulted this woman or that woman. 

It’s also way more important to me than whether we have a woman for president.  The battle for women’s equality was largely won more than a generation ago – not entirely, but in large part.  When I grew up, the only role models for women were teachers, secretaries, waitresses, nurses and mothers.  Yes, I’m glad that today women are doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, and bus drivers, but we’re living in a different era.  In today’s era, I’d much rather have a man who takes his role as protector seriously, than a woman for president just because she’s a woman, let alone an open borders woman. 

Oh, and by the way, the country where 1,200 women were gang raped by Muslim men is headed by an open-borders woman, Angela Merkel. [Need I say more?]  If you want an open borders woman president to do to America what Angela Merkel has done for Germany, by all means vote for Hillary Clinton.

For my part, I’m a woman; I like protector men; and I’m voting for Trump.

Questions for the Bernie Sanders Crowd

Questions for the Bernie Sanders Crowd

“To socialists and their supporters, I ask:

·         Who invented the airplane – a capitalist or a socialist?
·         Who invented the automobile – a capitalist or a socialist?
·         Who invented the penicillin vaccine – a capitalist or a socialist?
·         Who invented the TV, the radio, and the telephone – a capitalist or a socialist?
·         Who invented the personal computer and the internet – a capitalist or a socialist?

Did you see the cars in Cuba when Obama recently visited there?  They looked like they were from the 1940’s.  Is this the future you want for yourself, your children or your grandchildren???

The name of the system that produced all these advances is called capitalism.  Shooting the messenger never has and never ever will change the message.  [Repeat]  Shooting the messenger will never, ever change the message.  The name of the system that gave you these advances is capitalism.